Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: Some Antsy & Silly Times

Wish I were still here. . . most of you know, coming down off of a vacation ain't easy!  I'd much rather be in the hills than home working and schooling!  I've struggled this week getting back into the swing of things.  School has seemed like a drag!  I've noticed the kids are "antsy" and fidgety.  What we could accomplish in an hour before vacation is taking two now that we are home.  We are refreshed, but antsy to be outdoors I think.  I'm sure next week will be better!

In Our Life & Homeschool this Week. . .
Monday was the "usual" and we did ok.  Tuesday we met some friends at a quiet park and had school...then it was off to gymnastics.  Wednesday, my son starting a writing class. While he was in class, the girls and I had school at McDonalds.  Since all of our school stuff was still in the car, we went to another park to do school. But, I could tell that we were all anxious to be one could sit still, myself included!  We played, went home, rested, and back to the gym.  Thursday is a half school half work day for me.  School in the morning, nap in the afternoon, work at night.  Hubby will take over on Friday....

My Favorite Thing This Week Was. . .
After T's 2 hour gymnastics class on Wednesdays, we tend to go out to eat.  We went to Steak and Shake.  We had a blast.  I had had a nap, and a small cup of coffee, which my son says makes me silly and fun.  We blew bubbles in our drink, stole each others' fries, told jokes, shared chili, spilled chili, and laughed and laughed.  It was so nice taking a break from the list of things to do, and just enjoying my babies!

I am Grateful For. . . 
I am grateful for my husband.  He is my team mate, and really helps a lot to pick up where I've left off.  Not too much falls through the cracks around here, and it's not because of me!  I'm thankful that this week has been a good week with my son.  He has been exceptionally thoughtful for him, and it's nice to have a break from the bucking and rebelling!  I'm thankful for silly moments!

Things I'm Working On. . .
I've been working for quite some time on a new chore system for my kids.  Maybe if I post it here, I'll get it done more quickly!  I've gotten the hardest part done, it is quite an extensive and pretty I can't wait to post pictures, BUT, I need to find the last few supplies before it can be completed!  My kids keep begging me to put the chore list back up...but really they have it memorized. :)

Hope ya'll have a great weekend!


  1. After next week, we're taking off a week to spend time with family away. Wondering how things will go for us the following week? LOL Taking a break can make it harder to get back on track...but those breaks are nice and sometimes even needed!

    1. Hope you have a great time, and that your getting back on track goes more smoothly than ours did!

      And yes, the break was wonderful, and much needed!

  2. We've just got back from holiday so I feel your pain!

    1. I'm sure things will be back to normal in no time at all!
