Saturday, June 30, 2012


WOW!  What a week I've had.  The kids had VBS this week, so I thought I'd relish the time alone starting with cleaning the house!  I thought this would take 2 days to do a really good job.  Then, I planned to plan for school, and get things set up for a unit study/lap book about the Olympics.... Well.... it took ALL WEEK to get the house cleaned how I wanted it!  All week!!!  On Wednesday, I began to become disheartened, thinking this job was never ending.  Plus, one of my daughters decided she didn't like VBS and stayed home with me Thursday and Friday.  This week was not shaping up to be anything like what I had planned....come to think of it, neither is my life shaping up according to my plans!!!

Besides the cleaning, I ran errands daily!  I didn't manage to cook one meal, other than breakfast, which of course means a big dent in our budget.  I'm not going to lie... I was totally frustrated.  I was working my tail off, and not really seeing any progress. UGH!  Today, as I was mowing the lawn (more work....) and complaining to myself about who should really be doing this, about the FL heat, about the sweat, my wrists hurting, and etc., etc, I realized I truly should be thankful.  I remember moving into this house and how God saved it for us for 12 years!  Almost all of the things inside have been given to us. Thank God I have a house to clean, kids to pick up after, a lawn to mow, garage full of stuff! I pray that I can be a better steward of the things I have. I pray I can teach my kids how to be good stewards of the things they have.  I pray that I can lighten the burdens of my husband as I mow the lawn and prepare meals and prepare to go to work.  In addition to giving me things, thank you Lord for my health and the ability to take care of them.  I pray God will forgive me for complaining. Help me to relinquish control when things don't go as I planned.

Apparently, I had a lot of time to think while I was mowing the lawn.  I was thinking then, that this weather is just crazy!  We went from drought, to flood in as little as 3 days!  We went from cool mornings with a nice breeze and warm afternoons, to sticky, muggy hottest days of the year!  I was thinking how God is good to show us that He is in control of the unpredictable weather- and just as much in control of my unpredictable life.  Just like the weather, I can't do anything about it.... I can only change my attitude towards it- and that only with Him!

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