In My Life This Week. . . (and some of last week)
First off, I need to back up to last week just a tad (remember my weeks are weird cause I work Fri/Sat).... I had a Friday night off of work! *Insert here whistles, applause, streamers, and balloons! It was weird. But, we made the best of it! ;) Hubby and I decided we'd get the kids some bikes for Christmas, and ourselves too. And, as you know great deals on Craigslist don't last. So Friday night, and Saturday morning we ALL got bikes. Well, except for Baby T. She's going to practice on Little Bit's old bike, but will be getting a bigger one for her before Christmas. Back to Friday night... we cooked together (even Bean Boy who usually prefers to be alone, joined us without being asked!), we had a family movie, popcorn, and just an amazing time together. Saturday we went to get the rest of the bikes, we went to a little outdoor sale and got a free lunch, and just had fun. Of course, then it was back to work...but 1 night doesn't really bother me! I feel like superwoman when I only have to do one night! :) Sunday, they woke me up at 3:00 begging to go for a bike ride. I couldn't say "no". Especially since Hubby spent Saturday while I was napping, cleaning out the garage to fit the bikes in! It was a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time...even ran into a great friend!So, now, everyday I hear, "Can we go for a bike ride?" Which is great! It will keep me accountable to exercising, and give the kids something other than TV to look forward too!
I've also been getting ready for THE PARTY.... Friday is shopping day. I'm hoping Hubby will make the chili the day before (he doesn't know that yet!). Thursday and Friday will be organizing day. I've got lists for what goes on which table (all number nicely like an organizing fool) and will put each list in its own box for each table. Sunday, I'll sleep after work, then run over to my mom's house and get it all ready. Thank you Mom for letting us use your amazing yard for such a fun party! I hope we can pull it off after me working the two nights before!
My crazy kids decided to beg me for Christmas music!!! It's playing in the background while the kids work on school and cleaning and such! I love Christmas music, but feel like it's a little early. We found our Thanksgiving joke book to offset! I'll have the girls practice reading by reading me a joke a day until Tday!!!
In Our Homeschool This Week. . .
Well, I'm not going to lie... I'm still struggling with sticking to the plan. I'm totally rebelling and wanting to do other things. I think part of the problem is that I have yet to figure out, in my 7 years of homeschooling, how to maintain our home the way I like, and do school. One or the other suffers...until I feel the walls closing in, at which point they both suffer. And that is where I am now. I can't stand the mess, the dirt I know is there, the kid-cleaned bathroom desperately needs mom's touch, my room is worse than any other place! Geesh! Ok... this part is supposed to be about school. We ARE getting everything done, I just don't want to! hehe! With the girls, I'm doing a lot of games, and different things to practice with reading. Math has been much of the same. Because of Bean Boy's writing class, every week the girls and I spend an hour in McDonald's working on our school- they get the bonus of hot chocolate and they work really well there. It's nice to change it up every once in a while!
I Am Inspired By. . .
Well, while we were in McDonald's this week, an older gentleman (who I believe sat behind us last week) came up to me and said, "I've been bragging about you to my wife. She is a school teacher. I told her what a great job you're doing and she wishes that more parents were like you. Your girls are smart and beautiful." Well...even though I don't wanna do school some days, I think that will get me through the next 7 days till vacation! Thank you Lord, for the encouragement!!!
Places We're Going and People We're Seeing. . .
We had an impromptu lunch with a friend this week. My son's best friend and his family, to be exact. I felt bad, because it had been a long time since we had seen them. We were already out for writing class, and the chiropractor, so we invited them out. It was a special treat! And, I'm so looking forward to Little Bit's birthday party...cause it's just going to be so cool, and because it will be a reunion with friends we love dearly and don't get to see often enough!
My Favorite Thing This Week Was. . .
I have such an amazing family, that it is hard to decide what my favorite thing this week was. But, I think it would have to be our times together. It is a blessing to not have to send my kids away every day! I love being with them. Our bike ride, our family movie, school/park day, school at McDonald's, cooking together as a family, late night talks with Bean Boy, late night talks with Hubby, how can a mom decide?
Ya'll have a great weekend!

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