It is supposed to go like this....
- Wake up and quite time for mom... (0600 every day baby!) LOTS OF COFFEE!!! Sweet time with the Lord and planning out the day happen at this time... I also check email, FB, and other stuff.
- Wake Hubby and kids (0700ish) Sigh.... wish the quiet time would last all day!
- Every day it is my HOPE that in 1 hour they will be dressed have finished chores and finished breakfast...I cook while they clean (or Hubby does the cooking sometimes!) We rarely make it in 1 hour!
- Then we start school with our gratitude journals, hymn study, Bible, and Scripture memory. This usually takes about an hour, but I don't limit it...ok... I do clock watch, always hoping to be done with school as early as possible!
- Then we split and Bean Boy goes onto his independent studies while I work with the girls. ***Survival mode so far has meant a focus on Bible, math, reading. And I try to finish those by lunch (1200). I used to do nature study, composer study, art, etc.... maybe one day.... sigh
- After lunch I try to work with Bean Boy on things that he needs a "grown-up" for... Some days though he gets left behind because Mom just needs a nap... I'm working on this!!! This is also when we do our science lessons.
- Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons are our gymnastics days... Monday afternoons we go to the chiropractor. Thursday is the only I don't have to leave the house, but we usually do end up out somehow or other...
We are going to take a break for at least 2 weeks. I plan to plan! I'm really hoping to ramp up our history and get better at doing some of the activities SOTW recommends, since we seem to have gotten the rest under control. I hope to add in some of the readers too. It is hard for me to do all of those extras.... being a Type A and wanting things to be just right, put in their place, and already dealing with so much out of place (refer to School Room- The Ugly Truth), knowing the activities require messes and "things" to be pulled out, and then knowing that it will take TIME.... oh well, do you get the picture? I tend to find it more stressful than enjoyable. I know my kids don't though, and that the memories of both the fun times and the lessons learned will be worth it. This is one of the areas I refer to when talking about self-sacrifice...I'd much rather be a textbook/workbook mom, but that's just not who we are as a family and I believe my kids would hate it...except maybe one. I wonder if I could have a little fairy come along and pick up after us so we can move right on to the next activity!!!
Every so often, we take planned breaks from school. During this time I re-evaluate what is working, what isn't, and try to gear up for the next go round, fixing what's not working along the way. Every so often, we have unplanned breaks from school. Someone gets sick (though unless puking, I tend to make them do some school work so our days off are fun days!), someone outside of our home needs help, or last minute plans come up with family or friends... I'm flexible. Every so often, we take mental health days for mom's sake! Every so often, you can find me hiding in my room with the door closed...the kids are so good at hide and seek never lasts long enough! ;)
*Of course, all of this is altered any time I have to work during the week or on a Sunday night! But, we're flexible! And, I'm ever so grateful for the opportunity to be with my amazing chilies!
I'm really looking forward to reading what others are doing and gleaning some insight through this bloghop

I think you are amazing! Just wanted to let you know. ;-) The Lord has gifted and enabled you to do so much----you are such a blessing to your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement! I certainly need it! And, the feeling is mutual! You're amazing too!!!
Visiting from the Not Back to School Blog Hop and must say, I can relate!! I also work part time and homeschool. Most days are an attempt at a routine for me!! But, we keep trying. Jennifer @ Blessed Beyond All Measure.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. It is nice to know others are struggling through working and homeschooling! Really, it is a challenge like no other!
Wow, you homeschool AND work two 12 hour shifts during the week? That is amazing. Good for you! Hope you have a great year!
ReplyDeleteThanks Deb... I need to keep hearing people say I'm amazing...cause most of the time I feel quite the opposite! BUT, I'm doing the best with what God has given me!
DeleteHave a blessed day!