Piper had an amazing phrase that made my heart quicken... Spill over in praise to the next generation.... Words that God has had on my heart for some time (just not worded as well as Piper did!)! It goes hand in hand with the Deuteronomy mandate... I've been purposefully looking for ways to share with the kids God's goodness, specifically His goodness to me and our family. Ways to make God "real" and personal, not just a list of stories and facts...
Just this morning I was telling God how my head is usually swimming with thoughts....This is what I wrote in my prayer journal this morning:
Oh how slow I am to learn Lord! I feel as if I have one of those brains that can't think beyond what is in front of me, which often means I'm not thinking about you! How many opportunities have I missed to thank you, praise you, talk to you, ask you for help, meditate on your Word, (share you with others-namely my kids), etc.? But Lord, how can I change this, especially so that my kids can see my good example more than my bad! How can I "think" about you more so that my love for you flows out of the over-abundance of my heart and others may see it? Teach me. Guide me. Show me and help me! My head swims with thoughts of what needs to be done at home, in school, and work...the how to's and what to's and need to's of my life. But, I want it to be swimming with the things you have told me, how great you are, and what is lovely, pure, and noble, etc....I admit, I'm not as infatuated as I could/should be and that my other thoughts so often push thoughts of Him out. It is an area He and I have been working on. So, with God's help, I will continue on my journey of thankfulness. I'll continue to put good, namely God's Word, into my heart so that it becomes the treasure of my heart, and from the abundance of my heart, my mouth will speak. (Luke 6:45). I will rely on the Holy Spirit to continually renew my mind, to shift my focus, and to guide my heart. I will continue to be purposefully looking for opportunities to share what He personally means to me, has done for me, has given me, and spoken to me, and loved me, and been good to me, and faithful to me, and how is is just absolutely wonderful and worth more than all I could ever give with my babies, and others. I will do this as often as I can remember, and pray that God will continue to remind me more and more often. I want my kids to see my love for Him and have no doubt that He is worth it!

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